Looking for work? We can help.
Calgary Career Hub is an employment service to help job seekers find work.
*Bilingual Career Advisors (English/French)
*Bilingual Career Advisors (English/French)
Calgary Career Hub provides the resources and support you need to find and keep work in Calgary. Whatever your career situation, we will work with you to understand your ambitions and help you find your next job.
We provide one-to-one coaching, online workshops and access to a range of ‘self-serve’ tools through our Virtual Resource Room. We cover everything from the basics of getting your resume right, to interview skills, networking and local labor market information.
Ultimately, it’s about getting a job. We will work hard to give you the best chance of finding work and make sure you have the right support and the latest information on who is hiring.
Access our Virtual Resource Room to get the tools you need to take control. We give you access to invaluable resources, tips and videos that will help you with your search for a job.
We’re proud of our clients’ hard work and success, here are some of their recent stories!
Oyinlade relocated to Canada last summer in the hopes of a better life for her family. Oyinlade was active in her job search, however, she was unable to secure any job interviews. Oyinlade heard of Calgary Career Hub’s services and decided to reach out for support in her job search journey.
Oluwole moved to Canada in search of a better life, and more opportunities for his family. He was unfamiliar with local resources and the Canadian job market, so Oluwole decided to reach out to Calgary Career Hub for support and enrolled in Calgary Career Hub’s 12-week plan.
Many people experienced the adverse effects of the pandemic on their careers, unfortunately, Terry was one of them. The impact of the pandemic on Terry’s employment was difficult to cope with. He noticed that as more time went on his confidence to return to work diminished.
Simeon and Jennifer moved to Calgary from Nigeria in May 2024. They relocated to Canada hoping to find a better future and more opportunities. However, they struggled to showcase their transferrable skills and work experience. After two months of job searching, they decided to reach out to Calgary Career Hub for support.
Mariia came to Canada to flee the war in her home country, Ukraine. She immediately began her job search, however, felt lost on how to highlight her skillset to the Canadian job market. Mariia decided to reach out to Calgary Career Hub to help build a stronger resume and cover letter, and to improve her interview skills.
As a recent immigrant to Canada, Saranya was facing a difficult time finding a job. She was still unemployed after five months of searching, despite sending out countless applications.
That is when she decided to seek help from Calgary Career Hub.
Anastasiia came to Calgary Career Hub in May of 2024, feeling a bit lost. She had arrived in Canada just a few months earlier and was struggling to find a job in the IT field. She knew she was skilled, but the Canadian job market was new and confusing to her.
Jan is a recent immigrant to Canada and was facing challenges in navigating the job market in his field of software development. Initially, he struggled to find relevant job opportunities and submitted only a handful of applications each week.
Engaging in various activities within the Calgary Career Hub groups has been incredible beneficial for me! It's impressive how comprehensive the program is in supporting individuals through every phase of their career search journey.
Youness Bahadda's journey to success in Canada was a testament to his resilience and determination. Despite his impressive credentials, he lacked Canadian experience, connections, and familiarity with the local job market, leaving him without employment for a month.
Looking for inspiration? Our tips come directly from our team who are specialists in helping people find and keep work in Calgary!
We get advice from friends and receive some great suggestions, however, when you are seeking career advice, it is best to turn to the professionals at Calgary Career Hub.
What the Experts say about Job Search - Here are some of the best Tips!
If you are job searching, are you ready to sell yourself on a pre-screening call? Recruiters may prefer to chat with you by phone or virtually before moving forward in the interview process. This Tip helps you prepare.