Joelle's Success Story

In early 2022, Joelle was forced to leave his physically demanding job due to some medical issues. He found himself unemployed and trying to figure out what to do next. Joelle was a hard worker and returned to school to increase his education, but when he finished, he had difficulty finding a new job.

That's when he turned to Calgary Career Hub for help!

"The staff at Calgary Career Hub were such supportive characters during such a difficult period in my life. I would like to give them a warm shoutout for helping me to keep going during the transition process," says Joelle

The staff saw Joelle's potential immediately and put an employment action plan in place, which included services to perfect his resume, practice his interviewing skills, and connections with recruiters and employers.

"The interview preparation allowed me to understand what employers may be looking for and how to present my best professional and personal qualities. I also found help in developing an effective resume to help me stand out amongst other potential hires."

When Joelle finished the workshops and courses, he received one-on-one services to help him find employment. It didn't take long. Joelle was hired almost immediately as an Inventory Technician in the field he went to school for... and it gets better! Joelle's position was temporary, but his employer was so happy with Joelle's work that they extended his contract!

"Through the process of finding a job under Calgary Career Hub, they reassured me that I have the potential to become successful. Now I have gained such great knowledge, experienced a significant switch in my career, and became more confident in myself," says Joelle.

Joelle has a career that is sustainable with his medical condition and allows him to spend more time with his family and work on other areas of his life.

"I was able to make a complete career change from a physically demanding job to a career that is sustainable for my health. I have more time to take care of my physical health and gained the opportunity to spend more time with my family. My mental health has also improved, creating this positive domino effect in different aspects of my life.


Reach out to Calgary Career Hub to find out how we can help you reach your career goals!
