Geoff's Success Story

Geoff had been unemployed for about one year when he came to Calgary Career Hub. He had always been able to find work quite easily through his network, but after being laid off during the pandemic, Geoff found that the job market had changed.

“Most of my jobs were through networks. I rarely even needed a resume, so my stuff was pretty outdated," says Geoff.

Through working with his Job Developers Pam and Laury, Geoff discovered that he had been selling himself short and applying for jobs for which he was overqualified. When he first entered the program, Geoff was apprehensive.

"I entered Calgary Career Hub desperate, insecure, and a little lost," Geoff remarked. "The Hub's resource library and the tools I gained from the courses and workshops gave me the knowledge and confidence I needed to really put myself out there as a job seeker."

Geoff attended workshops on effective communication, resume building, LinkedIn optimization, change management, interview skills, and self-marketing.

"One of the best activities I went through was updating my resume and learning the newest trends employers use to search for candidates," says Geoff. "Before Calgary Career Hub, I tended to sell myself short. I went for jobs that I knew I was overqualified for... This program showed me that I was capable of bigger and better."

Geoff's team helped him see his true potential and worked with him to seek out the RIGHT jobs. "I was so grateful for my career advisors. Their advice and encouragement throughout this process were invaluable."

Geoff worked hard to increase his knowledge and skills. He developed an attractive resume that positioned his many strengths and learned how to be confident in interviews and market himself successfully. As a result, Geoff was able to secure a good-paying job in an industry he enjoys.

"I'm proud I was able to learn these new skills, and I'm proud that I was able to empower myself," says Geoff. "I will recommend Calgary Career Hub every time to all of my friends and colleagues. I've been through other employment courses at university. This program is, hands down, the most effective and empowering experience out there!"
