Aden's Success Story

After experiencing some health issues, Aden was unemployed. He came to Calgary Career Hub looking for help with his job search and qualifications. The team created a personalized action plan that accommodated Aden's health challenges and built upon his skills and experience.

“The most useful activity was the career coaching sessions and the support I received from my career coach. They helped me with interviews and looking for jobs," says Aden.

Aden was motivated and worked hard to achieve his goals. His action plan included workshops on resumes, cover letters, networking, interview skills, LinkedIn, effective communication, self-marketing, and change management.

“The workshops were really great because they were super informative, and it was really interesting to learn from all the different types of people the career center supports.”

Once his new and improved resume was ready, Aden's career coach helped distribute it to local employers, and they began preparing for interviews.

I had lots of interviews, and I had a few jobs fighting over me. Which for a person with very little experience feels very good. I had to tell a few jobs no and that felt great.

With his new skills, Aden had his pick of jobs and secured full-time work in IT Support!

"I think more people should go to resources like this. I know some people personally that could really learn a lot from this career center. I believe the more people we can help with free programs like this the better!"

Aden, Congrats on your New Job!!
