Re-Careering - Check in with a Career Coach
Check in with a career coach
If you’re uncertain about your next step, but you know you need a change, it may be worthwhile to make an appointment with a career coach. A career coach can help you figure out what you want to do and help you take your first steps toward your new life. Just as importantly, they can serve as a source of motivation as you put your plan into motion.
Career coaching is what we do best! We are the best in the business with a talented and committed group of career professionals to help you with your job search. Reach out to the Calgary Career Hub.
Join us for an Information Session so we can tell you about our services. These free presentations are held daily, Mon/Wednesday/ Friday at 11:00 am, and Tuesday/Thursday at 2:00 pm. They are 15 minutes in duration and are presented online through MS Teams.
Register through our website or call us at (403) 201-4122. We would love to meet you!