Interview Questions - What are Situational or Behavioural Questions?

What are Behavioural Questions? When a recruiter or hiring manager asks questions during a job interview, it’s likely they will ask you to tell them about a time when you… ….

These types of questions are referred to as behavioural or situational interview questions because they help the interviewer understand and evaluate your behavior, as well as your technical skills. 

Behavioral interview questions require the candidate to explain how a problem was solved, how an issue was resolved, or how something was fixed. Embedded within each answer are the human drivers or qualities that show why you took the actions you did. It’s like a small peek into what motivates you.

Interviews are less stressful if you have some idea of what questions you’ll be asked. So here are five common situational or behavioural questions asked during an interview:

  1. Can you describe one of your most important accomplishments? Why was it significant?

  2. Tell me about a difficult obstacle you had to overcome, and what you did to overcome it.

  3. Tell me a time when you were faced with conflicting priorities. How did you handle them?

  4. Can you think of a problem you have encountered when the old solutions didn’t work and you came up with new solutions? What were the new solutions and how did they work?

  5. Describe your organizational skills. What methods do you use to follow up on your projects, tasks, assignments.

We encourage you to visit our Virtual Resource Room at Calgary Career Hub for up to date information about all aspects of job search. Check out the category on Interview Skills.
