Ask for some AIR as part of your networking strategy
Who would have thought you would be looking for AIR as you job search? When we define AIR as Advice, Insight and Recommendations, it makes sense.
Advice – How often has someone asked for your advice and you turned them down? Probably not often and if you don’t have advice to give, you may refer them to someone else who can help. This is a great strategy for gathering information from reputable sources to help with your job search.
Insight – This is where you could ask specific questions regarding a position, company, or an industry. What do you like best about working for this company? or How did you get started in this industry?
Recommendations – This is where you ask for tasks. “What would you suggest that I do next?” or “Would you know someone else who could provide me more information?”
Remember, networking is not just about taking AIR from others. It is important to ask “Is there anything that I can do for you?”. This is a great way to end on a positive note and keep the conversation going.
Adapted from: Career Pivot
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