Age Discrimination and Job Searching
Ageism is defined as discrimination against older people because of negative and inaccurate stereotypes. Unfortunately, it continues to be alive and well in these tough economic times.
The most common reason for lay-offs is generally financial, but ageism is there too. The truth of the matter is that a company’s senior level employees cost more – both in terms of salary as well as benefits.
Older employees who have been laid off have a tough time replacing their salaries at new jobs as budgets shrink and companies opt to fill senior roles with less experienced and less costly workers. In addition, there are other reasons too, with those negative perceptions about older workers relative to outdated skillsets, inflexibility, and lack of drive.
Do not let your age discourage you from looking for work. You deserve every opportunity to be gainfully employed right alongside your younger peers. Learn the job market. Get current with technology. Update your skills.
Re-work your resume. Simplify and tailor it as much as you can. Seasoned professionals have a tendency to pile on everything in order to impress a potential employer. But this is not how things are done anymore. Keep a master resume document with all your experiences; then pick and choose the best examples of your skills for the job you are applying for. Tailor a new (2 page maximum) resume for each job application. You will never be all things to all employers. Showcase your best aligned expertise for the job; including your transferable skills, and this will go a long way to show how and why you would be a good fit for the role.
Consider seeking out a Career Advisor. Contact us at Calgary Career Hub. As a client of ours, you will receive one-on-one help and support as you navigate the job market. It’s what we do best and what we love. Call us at (403) 201-4122 or register for our services on our website at Calgary Career Hub