2024 - A Year of New Opportunities!
Forget the new normal, 2024 will be the year of new opportunities. Some of the fastest projected growth in Alberta will occur in the professional, scientific, and technical services fields.
For 2022-2024, the province identified five occupations as being the highest in demand:
Restaurant and food service managers
Software engineers and designers
Web designers and developers
Telecommunications line and cable workers
Transport truck drivers
For more information, have a look here: Occupations in Demand - alis (alberta.ca)
In addition, with Alberta expected to gain many thousands more new digital focused jobs, according to the Information and Technology Council, there’s never been a better time to consider acquiring new technological credentials to advance your career. Regardless of industry, employers expect employees to have core skills in computer literacy such as proficiency in the MS Office suite. In addition, employers expect candidates to have good people skills including communication, teamwork and some level of critical thinking or problem-solving skill.
Your research for a new job needs to start with us at Calgary Career Hub. Visit our Virtual Resource Room online. This is a self-serve portal giving you access to a wide range of information that is up to date and relevant for any job search. The information is categorized into topics such as Career Planning, Resume Writing, Interview Preparation, Labour Market Information - just to name a few. You will also find links to online resources, videos, and weekly tips. The Virtual Resource Room is great for all job seekers, even if you are currently employed.
Check it out: Virtual Resource Room at Calgary Career Hub